Wednesday, January 23, 2008

We have the boys!!

Everything went great yesterday. The drive to Lang Son is beautiful. The orphanage is an old building and very cold but it was very clean. The nannies love the children. They were all in tears when we left. The boys are great. It was unbelievable when they started bringing them into the room. Here were these two babies we saw in pictures and prayed for for so long. James came right to us but William had a harder time leaving his nanny. William is so big!! He has the greatest cheeks. He can crawl and pull himslf up already. James is a little guy just like we suspected. He is more like an infant. He can roll over to one side but he can't sit up or anything yet. He is definitely behind but we are sure that with a little love and practice he will catch right up to William. I will post pics as soon as I can. It takes forever to download and as soon as the boys fell asleep last night, we crashed as well. William is really grieving his nanny. Please pray he will feel adjusted and comfortable with us soon. They fell asleep at 9:00 last night, it is 3:00 in the morning now and they are stil sleeping. I'm thinking today will be a better day for them. They are both too sweet for words. Randy is going to apply for their passports at 8:30am. We have heard that they have been taking 8-10 days to process. That would possibly extend our time here so please be praying they will be processed quickly. I will post pics as soon as I can!!!!!


Cindy Martin said...

That is just wonderful! We praise God for his faithful provision for you and those sweet boys! We will be praying about the visas and looking forward to having you home soon!

Karin said...

WOO HOO!!! Can't wait to hear (and see) more!!! :)

markandrach said...

Praise God! He is so faithful!I can't imagine what it must be like to finally have them. We will pray that you get the visas soon and that William will adjust quickly. Can't wait to see the pictures and to have them home in KY. I met up with Ashley Krewatch tody and updated her on things. She's so excited for you guys. She was hoping to look at the blog. Love you guys, Rachel

Ashley said...

I did meet up with Rachel today and heard you had a blog. It is really a blessing to be able to follow you through Vietnam and to be reminded of God's grace and mercy that have brought us to Himself. We can't wait to meet the boys and have been praying for you this week during your journey. We'll keep following the blog. I am dying that you get to eat all that awesome Vietnamese food. Justin and I have an all time favorite restaurant in Williamsburg, VA that is Vietnamese. Blessings to all, Ashley

Sarah said...

What a wonderful blessing!! My family and I will pray for your family. Praying for quick adjustments and quick paperwork!!

First and Twentieth said...

Oh, they are SO cute! I just love the picture of them on the bed. I can't wait 'till you get back - when we saw them on the webcam, I really wanted to hug them! I'm sure that they're getting plenty of hugs from you though. :)
We're praying abou the passports and all the adjustments.
See you soon!